Wednesday, May 03, 2006

labour weekend

This entry is sort of meant for my personal reading... If u dun understand any of the contents, just leave it as it is. :)

My long weekend passed like a whirlwind.

And I am spiritually and mentally recharged, but physically drained. But overall, its been great!

Sat – went for Arete training. I opted to go to the translation department and nic says I got potential. :) yes, I need to have the confidence. Confidence really plays a big difference. The next SCS, I will be the best AC and the best translator, not only in arete, but in the whole AC group. but still need to practise and practise to make perfect. So I have been trying to translate what other people are saying lately. I want to be a duplicate of nic, or even surpass him, so he can move on to other areas.

After the training, we had buffet lunch and one thing in common about the Acs, all are big eaters (me included)! We basically just stand around the trays of food so we can eat and eat and eat. After the lunch we played the secret number game, which was damn damn FUN. I laughed till I was almost out of breath. It has been so long since I had such fun with such big group of pple. I love such games.

Looking forward to the AC RR this Friday. Definitely loads and loads of fun!!

Sun – went KL with Rich, Reb and the others for an ESP seminar. The seminar was superb, powerful and straight to the point. Set me thinking. But thinking is not enough. Now is the action.

Action, action, action.

Massive action brings massive results. Go go go, clari!!

Remember your whys. Remember your pains. Remember your reasons. Do something now before its too late.

After the seminar, we went to this vegetarian restaurant to eat and there I tasted the best tasting vegetarian porridge and hand made noodles. Simply heavenly!! If only they have an outlet in singapore.

After dinner, we headed home. Reached the causeway at 1am but there was a massive jam and hence we only ended up in singapore at 4am. That’s how bad the jam was.

Glad that I got to spend so much time with rich and taking the opportunity to observe how he talk to people. Also taking the chance to ask him questions and learn from him.

Mon – system one’s success seminar. Received my pin and a book voucher. Am happy but am not proud. Cause there is nothing to be proud of. I should have done better. I should have at least taken the bronze pin. So... I didn’t really felt pride when I received my pin.

I was also the mc, together with Mei. But because of my trip to KL, I didn’t have sufficient time to prepare. I would say I didn’t do a good job but I was pretty good considering my preparation time. But no excuses, cause and I could have done much better. I flopped this time round.

Well, will make sure that I will be a world class mc on the next success seminar. And by then, I want to be on stage to collect my gold pin. Or I should aim the one with diamond?? I know if max or sis read this last line they will whack me with their shoe... Hiaks.

Anyway, im seriously lack of sleep.

Fri night slept at 3.30, woke up at 7. -- 3.5hrs
Sat night slept at 2.00, woke up at 4. -- 2 hrs
Sun slept at 5.30, woke up at 10.30 — 5 hrs (I actually set my alarm at 9am but I actually slept through the alarm!!)

So its 10.5 hrs of sleep in 3 days, averagely, its about 3.5 hrs per day.

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