Sunday, May 07, 2006

my fav food

people who dined with me for the first time are always shocked by the amount i can eat. guess they are surprised that a small frame lady like me can eat so much. hiaks. thank god i have my secret formula to keep me slim and fit. :p and also, i eat very slowly. i always chew my food well so they are better digested when they get into my stomache.

anywayz, i was thinking of a list of my favourite food and i realised that i the food i like are all fattening, sweet and sinful... hiaks...

so heres the list of my all time favorites (百吃不厌)...

1. cheese... and anything cheesey... be it marcoroni cheese, cream cheese, cheezels, super ring, plain cheese, anything cheese flavoured... guessed thats y im cheesy at times... muahaha

2. cheese cake... because its CHEESE!!

3. chocolate... and anything chocolaty... milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, chocolate cake, chocolate cookies, chocolate ice cream, chocolate milk, chocolate milk shake, chocolate fudge... mhhhhh...

4. spaggetti... in any sauces, especially in cream cheesey ones and lots and lots of grated cheese... as long as its spaggetti...

5. potato chips... fav brand: kettle chips... because they are organic... and they are damn damn nice... but i recently attended a health talk and the speaker says that the calories in a potato chip is 250 X more than a normal potato... :( the calories of fries is 40 X more than a normal steamed potato

6. corn chips... its a new addition... yummy!! and i only go for organic corn chips... muahaha...

7. peanut butter... this is a new favourite too!! i never have much liking for peanut butter till recently...

8. mango... except those sour ones...

9. green bean soup... plus lots of sweet potato

10. peanuts... all kind of nuts... macadania, cashew, almond, lightly salted, roasted, satay beans, broad beans...

so there u have it... clatzz'z top 10 favourite food!! all rich n sweet n sinful... and when i start eating, i cant stop...

just came back from steamboat dinner and once again, i have shocked the table... but this time i am not alone... i got Jes and ZY to share the lime light (and food) with me... :)

signing off with me wolfing down yummilicious cheesecake...

yummy yummy yummy...


Anonymous said...


Clatzz said...

dun sigh!!

we shall meet for cheesecake aft ur detox!!

u can do it!! :D