Friday, June 30, 2006

i heart blue and an 10!

I am busy. Hence the lack of posts. I think I need to get an organiser. Memory getting poor.

Too many things to follow up.
Too many appointments to make

2 interesting matches coming up tonight...

Germany vs Argentina (im rooting for Germany)

Italy vs Ukraine (definitely supporting ITALY lah)

By now I think the whole world knows that im an Italy fan. When italy is playing, friends will update me of their score, they will sms me when italy goal, when italy got player kena send off. And they will also update me when is the next game italy is playing and jio me go watch italy matches. Only for games where Italy is playing. And I think the whole world also knows I support Italy because my fav player is in that team. Cause after the last game they had with Australia, the whole world sms/msn me: totti scored a goal. YAY!!

Was chatting with a friend the other day on the Italy vs Australia game.

fren: ooi, totti scored a goal leh and helped Italy win

me: I know. I watched the game

fren: but that penalty really kelong. Its so obvious its a dive. Italy shouldn’t have won

me: I dun care. What’s most important is that they won in the end. And totti scored :D :D

fren: haiz...

me: u know what’s the best thing about that game??

fren: wat?

me: its the camera zoom in on totti before he kicked the penalty. I get to see his face so big and clear!!! :D :D :D

fren: **faints** u are watching soccer for all the wrong reasons

Anyway, Im still in 2 minds about watching the 3am match today cause I think im seriously lack of sleep. If I were to go home and wait for the match to start, I will most probably fall asleep. So the only way I can stay awake to watch the match is to hang out till 3am... But where??

Friday, June 23, 2006

happy again :D

Alright, feeling better after a shitty morning. Can you imagine a simple issue can actually trigger about 20 emails thru and fro and even got the director involved? Anyway, im more or less getting used to all these shite going around so im not going to let them get to me. There is so much more in life then to waste my energy getting affected by shitty pple and shitty issues right? Anyway I am an expert in helping pple clear shit (pun totally intended) in their intestine and a budding expert at analysing shit. So no shit is too big for me. Haha.

Anywayz, shite happens all the time. if you choose to focus to the shite, u will feel shitty the whole day. For me, I choose to focus on happy thoughts like... :D

ITALY WON!! They are the top of their group so the next round they will meet Australia. Sure beats meeting Brazil. ;)
Weekends is nearing!
We are celebrating Ace’s first birthday on Sunday! :)
I am going to play cashflow game tomorrow!
HM is going for SCS tomorrow!
I am serving SCS p/t on sun!
Sis is back from Hwa Hin!
I have a new focus and a new goal!
Got a chance to have kopi with Rich later! Every chance with Rich is a valuable chance for me to learn more.

Well frens have been very sweet and kind to me as well. When I said I wasn’t feeling well and was having flu, someone offered to accompany me to the clinic and asked if I have flu medicine at home. When I complained that I was in a bad mood this morning, someone offered to treat me ice cream. I am a fortunate gal. thanks guys, u people are the best!!

update: YAY!! someone gonna give me durians!! YIPPEE!!


its bad when you are overworked, when your department is understuffed. colleagues happily go for 1 week holiday and leave everything to u and then come back office and declare its not my project that gone wrong. u go on 2 days leave stupid hp ringing the whole day. have to wake up 9am check email. simeple job becomes complicated because people with no expertise cannot make decision, only use mouth talk and waste everybody's time.

fuckingshite. 你这么厉害你自己做到完。我不会跟钱过不去, 时间到我肯定会走。此地不可久留。

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

worldcup mania

am on leave for ystd and today but office pple has been calling me like nobody's business. this morning was woken up by another call, early in the morning at 9.30. :( do these people know whats called ON LEAVE? though i told them i'll be accessing my mails at home and they can call me if theres anything urgent but reason why i took leave must be that i got something to do right? if i were to delicate my entrire day working from home then i might as well go work. GRRRRRR.

i have off my hp. so its peace for now...

spent my last weekend watching world cup, mainly at mac donalds. and all the late nights, fries, curly fries, sundae, ice milo is not doing me any good. hiaks. :p

anyway, caught the brazil vs australia match last sunday. and Ronaldo really put on ALOT of weight sial. and from the game, can see that his extra pounds has affected his skills, especially his speed.

halfway while watching the game, when ronaldo was running after the ball, someone sitting behind us shouted: pui tu, kin lah (hokkien for : faster lah, fat pig). it was damn funny sial. i luffed till i almost choked on my fries.

i wonder why these players dun lose weight before the world cup? if i were their coach, 1 mth before the world cup, i will get my players to go on a detox program so that they will be their fittest and healthiest during the games. or at least i will get them to lose weight lor. which is not a difficult thing at all! especially for these professional football players, their fitness is their ricebowl so they should take extra care of themselves mah.

hmmm... which makes me wonder why some poeple think losing weight is very difficult. its actually not at all. all u need is the discipline, and of course the right mindset. take for example momo's friend, Yuen, she went on a detox program, and simply lose 6KGs in 1 month!! and when sis and i went to meet her, she looked so radiant, and her skin is so much smoother!! and she said she also felt healthier and more energetic.

she is so happy that she kept thanking sis and me for helping her lose weight. :D

so if normal pple like sis, me, germaine and Yuen can do it, why cant the professional multi millionairs soccer players?

Sunday, June 18, 2006



haiz... need to let off some steam here else i cant sleep. watched the game till i wanna vomit blood, watch till i wanna bang my head against the wall, watch till my blood pressure high...

sad to say, USA's desire to win is stronger than Italy's. they only 想要, never 一定要. haiz...

btw... my 偶像 cut short hair liao. sooooooo hansome... but the skills... haiz... all ho kua bo ho jiat one...

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

wednesday entertainment ;)

Was rushing for work this morning, so I had no time to iron the dress which I intended to wear initially. In a hurry, I browsed through my wardrobe and pulled out whatever I can find that needs no ironing. I ended up wearing a long flowy pants which I have not been wearing for some time.

When I say long, I really meant looooooong. Cause when I left house, even with my 4 inches high heels, the pants is still touching the ground! :( I bought this pants way back and had it altered then so I guess its either I grew shorter over the years or I slimmed down. I think its the latter lah. Haha.

Anyway, I left the house like a public broom, helping our government sweep the floor.

By the time I reach office I can no long stand it. Imp bad at sewing so I cant sew the hem up. In the end I resorted to the easiest method. I fold the hem inwards to my desired length, and stapled them in place! Haha (actually I think I am quite innovative leh :p) Looks kind of ugly but I couldn’t care less. Sure beats sweeping the roads of singapore for free.


Some days ago, me and WM were chatting on msn. And here goes the conversation (from fragments of my memory)..

WM: so are u more free now? Your friend back to work already ah?
WM: I meant your colleague.

me: sorry hor, we are not friends, we are just colleagues (我们不是朋友, 我们只是同事).

WM: haha. U like fann wong sial. The quote suits u very well.
WM: actually I was flipping thru 8 days today and got one pic of fann wong look like u leh.

me: hahaha. How can it be?? I got nose bridge one leh.
me: fann wong got no nose bridge

WM: ya cos in the pic she was wearing a very big pair of shades

me: no wonder. The shades slip down and cover her nose cos she got no nose bridge to support. Wahahah.

Alright, I think fann wong fans are going to kill me. Haha. No lah, actually I very happy WM say I look like fann wong lah. Even if its only one pic, which I presume most of the face is covered by the shades. Fann wong chao chao also one of the chioest artist in mediacorp ok. Haha. :p


Yeah!! My favourite team, ITALY won 2-0 in their last game vs Ghana!!

Speaking of which, pardon my ignorance but I’ve never heard of this country Ghana. Was planning to have a watch world cup outing with my sisters over the weekend and we were discussing which game to catch.

Me: this Ghana country. What country is that?

Power: dunno.

Me: u listen to their country name. Ghana, Ghana, like Ghana Sai. Lidat how to win??!!??

Alright, I have decided to root for ITALY all they way. But their next match against USA is at 3am and I have no SCV at home. Why cant they schedule the game earlier??? :(


Today, while minding my own business in office, I overheard my director say LPPL (in full, not the initials) .GASP! I'm not eves dropping ok but he said it so loud and clear and in front of my desk some more. He was on the phone and he said: like this very LPPL lah.

Hmmm. That was the last thing I would expect my director to say, especially when he is jia kang tang one. I was suppressing myself not to laugh wen I heard that. Haha.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

ice cream party!!

Last sat, went to ice cream party at indinine café @ niel road. Those of you who missed the chance really loo gee sial. Cos not only were there yummilicious ice cream, there were also great promotions!! Haha. Max, sis, ace and I are one of the earliest to arrive, despite the rain. Well early bird catches the worm mah. So must go early then can catch the most ice cream. Haha. :p

ice cream makes me happy!! :) :) :)

Rich was the first to Q for the ice cream buffet and I was the 2nd! And from 2 till 6, I have been eating all the way... :p but the ice cream were too nice and being eggless, they were not as creamy as the normal ice cream so u wont get sick of eating. Best of all, its FAT FREE and there are lots of flavours... All I like!! There are...

Butterscotch Peanut (one of my favourite!! Taste like peanut butter but in ice cream form. Woo!!)
Chocolate (I love chocolate!! And very rich chocolate somemore. mmmhhhh)
Chocolate banana (my fav chocolate and my fav fruit, banana. Heavenlicious!!)
Chendol (even nicer then the normal chendol!! And with red beans in the ice cream some more!!)
Coconut (very refreshing, and can taste the coconut bits inside the ice cream. Mix with chendol ice cream to get the perfect combi)
Coffee (this is the only flavour I dun really like. Too bitter for me. Im not a coffee person)
Cookies & Cream (imagine chunks of oreo cookies in ur ice cream. Im not talking about cookie bits. I mean like 1/2 oreo cookies with the cream in the ice cream. Damn shiok!!)
Hazelnut (mmhhhh... The rich hazelnut taste... yummy yummy yummy)
Lychee (this 1 I like too!! Very light and best of all really got lychee bits in the ice cream. If u like lychee drink, u will DEFINITELY LOVE this)
Vanilla Honey (Imagine tasting honey in ur ice cream. Ahhhhh)
Yogurt Peach (I love this too. But they only have limited stocks for this flavour. Heng I was there early so I took at least 2 scoops. See, told u go early bird catches the most ice cream. Its fruity and light. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT)

So basically from 2 to 6, my routine is: Queue for the ice cream, decide what flavour to eat next, eat ice cream, go around chit chat talk cock, finish ice cream, queue for ice cream again. Yeah, the flow goes like this.

After seeing how much I ate, YL also bey tahan. She was there with her friends at 2+ but didn’t enjoy the free flow ice creams cause she was on a detox program. So I told her, nvm, u cannot eat, I will help u eat your share. And at the end of the party, she said: “wah, since 2pm hor I see u walk through and fro the ice cream counter and eating non stop. U really eat my share liao ah.“ haha. But her determination for resisting to the ice cream temptation paid off because this bubbly chic has lost like 8 KGs since she started her detox program. Way to go!!)

If they have an prize for the person who ate the most ice cream, I think I will win hands down. After some careful calculations, I think I ate at least 20 scoops of ice cream (minimum 2 scoops per flavour), some gyozas, some wedges, few mouthfuls of mushroom soup. 2 cups of root beer and one chocolate brownie.

After the party I actually told them that I will stop eating ice cream for the next 3 months. Come to think of It now, I’ll still be on for ice cream anytime. Well, I just don’t get sick of ice creams. Especially ice cream from indinine. Cause they are less milky so you can eat and eat and eat and still not get sick of it. =D

And to prove that 我的胃大如宇宙 (my gastric is as huge as the universe), after the ice cream party, max, sis, ace, zy, rebbec n 1 went circuit road for dinner!! Haha. Wat 20 scoops of ice cream?? That was my lunch and tea. Dinner is a main meal, cannot skip one. Hiaks.

after 20 scoops of ice cream... all set to go for dinner!!

I love circuit road cos there are sooooo many vegetarian stalls there. And we had hokkien mee (taste as good as the non vege one sial), char kewy tiao, chai tao kwey, oh lua, tau hua and mee pok tah. :)

It was indeed a FULL-filling and FUN-filling day. Me and sis bought 2 kiko comforters for mummy and daddy so that they can enjoy better sleep and detox even while sleeping!! How cool is that? ;)

(someone ask me: wah lau, u eat and eat and eat... u not afraid of growing fat meh? me: nope, because i got secret formula. haha :p)

Monday, June 12, 2006

finally... a breather

i can finally take a breather from work. colleague is back from her holiday/mc. not that her coming back has relief any of my work load, but the urgen shipment i am rushing for is finally settled and so... peace... for the moment. :)

slept till 2pm ystd. there is only one word to describe. that is, SHIOK!! i want to 睡到自然醒 everyday!! i basically spent the whole of ystd sleeping and eating. haha. wanted to go raid the GSS but the rainy weather makes me soooo lazy to step out of my house and risking the chances of me gettign wet. :p

am feeling a little under the weather today. got slight flu and headache. guess its the aftermath of skating in the rain on sat night. :(

went to ice cream party on sat and celebrated EQ's birthday at Rogue on fri night... shall save these 2 events for later posts once i got the pictures...
Angel, EQ n Faith, plsssssss send me the pictures... thanks... especially EQ, cos always took ages for her to downlaod the pics and finally send to us...

shall blog more when i got the pics... ;)

hmmm... i got craving for pop corns and dim sum...

heard some crack crack sound from my heels while walking just now and after careful examination, the soles of my heels has cracked. which means one more pair of shoes down. :(

that leaves me with one lesser pair of heels. :(

have been actively shopping for heels but cant find any that i like leh. :(

where have all the pretty heels gone?? maybe i shlould go shopping instead of gym later... hmmm...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

mc after holiday?

And I thought my suffering is over cos today is the day where colleague is finally coming back and I don’t have to cover her work area anymore. But haiz, 人算不如天算, I was wrong. She called in today to say she was sick and got 2 days MC.


Call me stone hearted but I just cant sympathise with her. The one who went holiday for one week fell sick. The one who was slogging away still energetic and kicking. Was complaining to power and part of our conversations goes like this:

Me: colleague supposed to b back today... but guess wat? she on 2 day MC.. today n tml

Me : very good hor

Power: :s...

Me: got pple go holiday le come back take mc one meh

Power: haha enjoy too much... sometimes u came back will be sick one ma... like me last time... understandable

me: no its not understandable :p

Power: LOL

Me: she go holiday one bloody week leh

Power: ok mah... came back the climate diff ma... will fall sick one

Me: where got ok?? so weak then dun go holiday

Power: ...relax...

Moral of story: An overworked, underpaid woman is a stone hearted, angry (and hungry) woman... Muahaha...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


I had wanted to blog yesterday, because of the beautiful date 060606. But was too busy with work and all.

Im supposed to arrange to send a container of items to a certain place. Majority of the items are classified as DG (Dangerous Goods). So I asked the people in charge to give me a specific list of items that they want to shipped so that I can get the MSDS of the DG items.

Somehow I think my colleagues thought arranging a container shipment is like calling a cab. Eventhough I already told them that I need their detailed lists, I am still waiting for supplier to give me MSDS, that the shipping company needs to check and book container and then need to load into the container and everything so it doesn’t mean that today I get all the details, tomorrow my container can be shipped out, they still chase me that the shipment has to be out fast. But yet they never give me the exact list of items they want to ship and everyday they still want to buy new items to add into the shipment!! Then I have to place order and chase for MSDS again.

Now lagi better. They just confirmed all the items they want to ship about an hr ago and want me to send the B/L to the consignee by today.

How to arrange shipment lidat? Sometimes a simple thing can become very complicated because of the people you are working with.

Hence I throughly agree with what Dr George shared, we always have to CTR (Choose The Right). In the case above, I is LL, got no freedom to choose who im working with.

So... Always Choose The Right...

CHOOSE THE RIGHT person to work with
CHOOSE THE RIGHT person to work for
CHOOSE THE RIGHT person to learn from
CHOOSE THE RIGHT person to model from
CHOOSE THE RIGHT person to seek help from
CHOOSE THE RIGHT person to learn from
CHOOSE THE RIGHT person to spend the rest of ur life with
CHOOSE THE RIGHT people to be friends with

Of course other than choose the right people, you must also choose the right platform, choose the right mode, choose the right time, choose the right method and lots lots more. Like... CHOOSE THE RIGHT team to support during world cup and u can make a windfall from there!! Haha.

But... 选对人成功的一半 (loosely translated means “ choosing the right person, you are 1/2 way to success). So have u or did u made a RIGHT choice? ;)

Monday, June 05, 2006


supeeeeeeeeeeer busy. can die. damn frustrating. everything also throw to me. everything also urgent. everything also must do by today. stupid aircon not working somemore. schedule not going according to as planned. target set not achieved. headache. sorethroat. sore eye. stucked.

i wanna shout at someone, vent my frustrations at someone, but no one for me to do so. so my blog is my only revenue.


back to work.

dammit dammit dammit