Friday, June 23, 2006

happy again :D

Alright, feeling better after a shitty morning. Can you imagine a simple issue can actually trigger about 20 emails thru and fro and even got the director involved? Anyway, im more or less getting used to all these shite going around so im not going to let them get to me. There is so much more in life then to waste my energy getting affected by shitty pple and shitty issues right? Anyway I am an expert in helping pple clear shit (pun totally intended) in their intestine and a budding expert at analysing shit. So no shit is too big for me. Haha.

Anywayz, shite happens all the time. if you choose to focus to the shite, u will feel shitty the whole day. For me, I choose to focus on happy thoughts like... :D

ITALY WON!! They are the top of their group so the next round they will meet Australia. Sure beats meeting Brazil. ;)
Weekends is nearing!
We are celebrating Ace’s first birthday on Sunday! :)
I am going to play cashflow game tomorrow!
HM is going for SCS tomorrow!
I am serving SCS p/t on sun!
Sis is back from Hwa Hin!
I have a new focus and a new goal!
Got a chance to have kopi with Rich later! Every chance with Rich is a valuable chance for me to learn more.

Well frens have been very sweet and kind to me as well. When I said I wasn’t feeling well and was having flu, someone offered to accompany me to the clinic and asked if I have flu medicine at home. When I complained that I was in a bad mood this morning, someone offered to treat me ice cream. I am a fortunate gal. thanks guys, u people are the best!!

update: YAY!! someone gonna give me durians!! YIPPEE!!

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