Monday, May 29, 2006

last weekend of may

My abs are aching. Badly!!

Went gymming and swimming with Rich on sat. and he proposed that we swim, followed by 20 leg raises after each lap. I did a total of 100 leg raises. Which explains why my abs are aching till today. Max says I already hit quota for the whole year le. :p After that, we went just greens vegetarian restaurant for food. The food there is very nice!! Yummy!! Just a short afternoon with Rich and I find it very rewarding. Must find more excuses to stick around him because he is the person with the results that I want.

Attended a seminar by Dr George on Sunday. Another very rewarding and recharging session. And out of the crowd of 100+ pple attending the seminar, he picked me and say I was mei nu ok. Hahaha. So happy. Lets see. I was wearing pink polo tee yesterday. Alright, I hereby declare pink my favourite colour!!!! :D

After the seminar, went harvey norman at suntec. There was a moving out sale. Wanted to look for digital voice recorder but ended up looking at digital cameras instead. Hiaks. :p

Was actually interested in Sony DSC-W30/L. The retail price for this camera is S$449 and now harvey norman is selling at S$409. That’s about $50 savings. But the salesman recommended me Casio Exilim EX-Z600. The Casion Exilim is selling at S$ 429, slightly more expensive than the Sony. I don’t know the market rate of the Casio camera. He says that Casio has more functions than Sony.

Actually to me the functions doesn’t really matter. What I need is something that allows me to take nice pictures and something that looks nice and is slim and easy to carry around. I was really really tempted to part with my 400 bucks le but somehow after some rational thinking, I decided let the money rest in my bank. Cause I actually no real needs for a camera. I just want to buy one cause I love taking pictures and with a camera, I can take tonnes and tonnes of pics and can load them here!! But spending $400 bucks so that I can take tonnes of pictures and posting them here doesn’t seem a reasonable enough reason and hence here I am, still thinking whether I should or I should not.

Sony Cybershot
Sony Exilim

which is a better buy? which is a better offer??

But im really really tempted. Hmmmm.

Anyone can advise which of the 2 cameras is better? And are these actually good deals? I am a complete gadget idiot so I really need to rely on your advices and comments.

After leaving harvey norman empty handed, we went for dinner at fo you yuan restaurant. The food there is quite creative and tasty. But its super expensive. 3 of us ate $100+. And its my treat, cause I got a substantial amount of cheque this week. Hee. Anyway, I told sis n max that I will give them a treat whenever my cheque can hit that substantial amount. Lets see if they have the kou fu this week. :p

After fo you yuan, we adjourned to cheese cake cafĂ© for cheesecake!! Yipee. Max was actually quite full and didn’t want to go for cheesecake. But I insists!! I think he cannot stand my appetite. Sometimes I scare myself with my appetite too. Take for example last week, a big group of us, arete, went for prata supper. I had bee hoon goreng, cheese and mushroom prata (share with cai na), paper prata (share with a bunch of hungry ghosts!! U should see how the paper prata collaspe within seconds the moment it was placed on the table!!), and mouthfuls of maggi goreng, mee goreng, honey prata here and there. And about 2 hrs later, I woke up with my stomach rumbling, feeling hungry and not able to go back to sleep anymore. :s

Oh ya, and I finally went to the new cathay cinema last friday. Wen I told J that was my first time there, he say I sua ku. Anyway, the cinema is not too bad. Seats are quite comfy. Though we were sitting in the first row but we don’t have to strain our necks (ok, I don’t have to strain mine. Not so sure abt J cos he so tall. Leg long, hands long. Haha). If any of you out there going to watch X-Man, remember to stay till the finish playing all the credentials.

Talking about X-Man, there will be a funny (or at least me, sis and max thinks its funny) post on it soon. Cant post now cause it will be funnier with pictures and all. So stay tuned.

Will be going for dinner gathering with arete later. Lots of food again. Hiaks.


Clatzz said...

somebody pls let me know whether the camera is a good offer anot leh

Anonymous said...

good camera is seldom on offer...

if to choose between those 2, i will take Sony... cos Sony have better lens...