Tuesday, May 16, 2006

all the things she says...

She said : last time when I was doing the job, where got cock up one? I always ensure the operations can run smoothly. I always worked till late night ok. Haiz, when I around, there are no problems, the management dunno how good I am, how hard I worked to be able to ensure everything runs smoothly. Nowadays they hire a new stuff and I heard one more coming up. Last time I one person handle everything also never complain cannot cope before.

She said : now adays I also worked till very late. I ever worked till near mid night ok. Last thurs I worked till 9pm, with my 2 departmental managers.

She said : we need to recruit more stuffs for my department. Nowadays me and department very busy.

She said : I know our director is a very good leader that’s why department manager and I slog our hearts out for him. We will give him our full support.

And the above she said, during lunch, to the GM, and in front of the other colleague from the same dept.

And she also says:
I dun like to talk bad about people. I dun get involved in office politics.
I see a lot of back stabbing here in the past. I always put a good word for the people who got back stabbed to the bosses
I am the type pf person, i just do my work, I also don’t like to claim credits.

And the above she said many times to her colleague in the same dept as her.

Ironic? Contradicting? What do u think?


Monky said...

I think wat she said is not ironic and contradicting..is utter rubbish..
those who said they not involve in office politcs,dun back stabbed,dun bad mouth,dun claim credits r the ones who always do these kind of thing...
Invite her to go hm n fly kite ba.

Anonymous said...

haha ...
sibey LAME

Da Bitch said...

Kaoz...if it were me, I sure to make her malu one loz...*evil laugh*

cybeRanger said...

Wonderful blog. :)

Ping said...

Hahaha... how come this kind of people exist everywhere.
My side also have an exact character juz like this....
Guess we need this kind of people ard so that we can gossip abt them if not... too boring liao