Friday, May 26, 2006

its a SMALL world

Woo hoo!! My management finally realise that my work station is obselete (It will black out and hang for no apparent reasons). And I got a new computer today. I am now blogging using my I mac mini!! :D yes, small IS beautiful.

I am contemplating to bring it home during the weekends since its so small and light only. The thing about apple products is that they made it so classy and stylish and beautiful and easy to use that one simply gets addicted to it. Hmmm, my home pc is very old and senile le. Maybe time to change to a mini??


Singapore is really a small country. I found out last week that JC is actually my pri school school mate lor. I have knew him for a couple of months le but I never imagined him to be my pri school mate. How we made the astounding discovery was damn funny. It happens we were chatting about where we were staying (cause we are both living around the same area).

JC : do u stay with ur sis and max?

Me : no lah. But we staying very near. I stay at blk XX

JC : oh. I stay at blk XX. U know where it is??

Me : yeah, I know. Its just behind my ala manta.

JC : u mean u were from XXX??

Me : ya. OMG, don’t tell me u too!!

JC : yes!! Which year were u born in?

Me : 1980. U?

JC : me too! (GASP!! From me and max) Then we definitely know each other. No wonder I find you so familiar

Me : (by this time I was squatting down laughing le) but I don’t find u familiar leh. WAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

JC : have u ever took part in story telling competition before?

Me : yes! I took part ever since I was in Pri 3. OH... Dun tell me... U took part in the competition too?

JC : yes!!

Me : oh I think I know who u are le. There was this guy who was in the other class, who also took part in the story telling competition every year. And every year I only got 2nd place while he got first place.

JC : I am that winner lor!

Wah lau singapore really so small right? That night I really laughed till I cant stand straight. Well if u dun think its funny, then I can only say u need to see JC to think its funny. Hahaha. But I really don’t find him any familiar at all before that sial. He looks soooo different!! I still remember his face in pri school. Very innocent one. Wahhahaha. Whoops. :p


daniel said...

As requested..., my 1st comment on your blog.. Yeah!!! :)
Agreed on Apple stuff. Their design rocks!! And super duper user friendly!!

Me also use IPOD Mini and was hooked. Other MP3 player doesn't feel enough anymore :)
Btw, have you check out the new Apple ads? Very funny.
It's at

Clatzz said...

harlow... danyel!! welcome!! haha...

me too.. aft using nano, the other mp3 players just doesnt feel good enough anymore...

Clatzz said...

guess lah... weiming managed to guess correctly leh...

i dunno if u will know him lah cos he is not ah beng leh... :p