Thursday, June 08, 2006

mc after holiday?

And I thought my suffering is over cos today is the day where colleague is finally coming back and I don’t have to cover her work area anymore. But haiz, 人算不如天算, I was wrong. She called in today to say she was sick and got 2 days MC.


Call me stone hearted but I just cant sympathise with her. The one who went holiday for one week fell sick. The one who was slogging away still energetic and kicking. Was complaining to power and part of our conversations goes like this:

Me: colleague supposed to b back today... but guess wat? she on 2 day MC.. today n tml

Me : very good hor

Power: :s...

Me: got pple go holiday le come back take mc one meh

Power: haha enjoy too much... sometimes u came back will be sick one ma... like me last time... understandable

me: no its not understandable :p

Power: LOL

Me: she go holiday one bloody week leh

Power: ok mah... came back the climate diff ma... will fall sick one

Me: where got ok?? so weak then dun go holiday

Power: ...relax...

Moral of story: An overworked, underpaid woman is a stone hearted, angry (and hungry) woman... Muahaha...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha lao titu