Monday, June 05, 2006


supeeeeeeeeeeer busy. can die. damn frustrating. everything also throw to me. everything also urgent. everything also must do by today. stupid aircon not working somemore. schedule not going according to as planned. target set not achieved. headache. sorethroat. sore eye. stucked.

i wanna shout at someone, vent my frustrations at someone, but no one for me to do so. so my blog is my only revenue.


back to work.

dammit dammit dammit


Monky said...

me lor...i can be ur listening ear...i m always there for u... :)

Monky said...

me lor...i can be ur listening ear...i m always there for u... :)

Clatzz said...

thanks... but i cant bear to shout at u leh...

daniel said...

Relax, take a deep breath in sucking in all the positive energy, hold it for a while, let go of all your breath with all the craziness and frustration.

Repeat until feel better :).

Speaking of which, I still owe you the duck and eagle story hoh. Better get right on it. ^-^

Anonymous said...

It will pass by you without you knowing it. Walk away.

Clatzz said...

thanks... me is ok... just feel super frustrated at that point of time...

i just keep telling myself "I AM THE BEST!!"

Danyel, faster go churn out the eagle and duck story!!