Friday, April 21, 2006

sleep... zzz...

Was chatting with WM online yesterday and I told her I was rather busy these days and she replied: ya, I guessed so. I asked her how she know and she replied: cause u never update your blog.

Wahaha. Now u know my blog is a good gauge of how busy I am. But sometimes it also depends on whether I have the inspiration to blog.


I am seriously lack of sleep lately. Has been sleeping at 3/4am for the past few days. The Easter weekend that just passed was supposed to be a good time for me to catch up on my rest, but seems that I ended up more tired and more deprived of sleep. I am so tired that 2 nights ago, I fell asleep while using the PC half way. If mum did not wake me up, I think I will sleep in front of the computer till the next morning.

I have this bad habit of sleeping late, since my study days. If you ask me to turn in at 12mn (which is considered early for me), I will toss n turn about on the bed and cant get to sleep.

How.. How can I get rid of this bad habit? How can I get myself to sleep at 10pm daily?

  1. cut off all power supply in my house by 10pm so I cant read, use my com, watch tv... Etc
  2. get mum to whack my head with the dumbbell every night
  3. force myself to read my I/o chemistry notes every night... Guarantee fall asleep within 5 mins :p (but I threw them away le leh...hw??)
  4. bang my head on the wall till knock out
  5. turn around in circles till I knock out
  6. stare at zai zai’s picture (cause he always looks very lifeless, n stoned, like he haven slept for the past 100 years. Looking at him makes me sleepy too..)
  7. kidnap jude law/keanu reeves and tie him/them on my bed...

I think point 7 will be most effective... ;)


Anonymous said...

I can sympathise! I've been unable to sleep properly for the last few weeks too, but thankfully I'm on revision leave at the moment and don't have to get up in the mornings...

Clatzz said...

i dun have problem sleeping well or waking up in the morning... but i just dun like to sleep early... n i think its bad for health...

last night slept at 3 again... :(