Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Oh no... Ive been tagged by Veron... Urm... Being the very sporting me, here goes...

* Each blogger must post these rules first.
* Each blogger must start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
* Bloggers that are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
* At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

1) I don't know how to ride a bicycle. Ok, laugh at me all you want. Nobody taught me how to ride a bicycle since young and as I grew up, I became more and more hum chee and so I never learnt the skill. Actually I did learnt once. And I managed to ride successfully. But after that one time I didn't practise and so I lost the skill again.

2) I was very quiet, timid and shy as a child. I was so quiet that when I was studying in kindergarden, the principal asked mummy if I was deaf and dumb because I don't talk at all. There was once I dropped my handkerchief and a teacher came into our classroom and asked if anybody has dropped their handkerchief. I recognise that it was my handkerchief but I didn't dare raise my hand or say its mine. In the end the teacher only knew it belongs to me when I started crying.

3) My name is an inspiration from the instrument I used to play. I was from the band and I played the Clarinet. And I was very into the clarinet very much at that time. When I started working, I wanted to get myself a name that is easy to pronounce and call. So I asked my sister what name should I give myself and she said: since you like the clarinet so much, why don't you call yourself clari? I taught the name was nice, and at the same time unique, so that's how I got my name, clari.

4) I used to be a brave little soul. When I was 3, I’d walk around the house in the dark when everyone is asleep. But as I grew up, daddy started renting horror movies and after watching the horror movies, I became a scardey cat. Now I dare not walk in the dark alone.

5) I like the smell of a lighted matchstick. I like to watch the flame on the matchstick fizzle out and the trail of smoke that follows. Which explains why I like to play with match sticks and fire. :)

6) I have a bad habbit of “cracking” my knuckles such that they will make the “cracking” sound that your joints will make when you go for thai massage. I can turn my head and my neck cracks, I can crack my ankles. Hearing the “cracking” gives me a sense of satisfaction.

7) My pet hobby is to help net 挖耳洞. And I get angry when he cleans his ears himself. Hahaha. When I managed to dig out a big piece of ear shit (or whatever you call it, I feel a sense of achievement. Pity my ear doesn't get very dirty very quickly like net.

8) when I was in primary school, I used to do my school work really sloooowly. I am always the last one to hand im my accessments. I can never finish my work on time and always have to bring home to write. I can never finish my art on time as well. Anyway, I sucked at art. Since pri school, all my arts and craft homework are masterpieces of mummy and sis. Most of the time I am only involved in the colouring.

There, 8 things about moi... Who I wanna further tag...

1) Power
2) Liming
3) Sis (I know veron tagged you also... So you MUST do... haha)
4) Lorraine
5) Faith
6) FenFen
7) Grace
8) Everybody reading this now!!!!

Finally done... Phew... Pls don't tag me in future, ok??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im the first !!!! :S
