Friday, January 05, 2007

belated new year post :p

Yeah I know today is already the 5th day of the new year and this post is considered a tad late but late is better than never, right?? How was your 2006? I hope it has been as eventful as mine. :)

But past does not equates to future. So...

Have you set our what to accomplish and achieve for this new year?

Have you set your goals for the new year?

Have you envisioned how you are going to reach your goals?

Have you decided to have a victorious year? (YES I HAVE!!) Or is it just another year for you??

Whatever your goals and dreams are, I know we can and definitely will achieve them!! :D

Looking back, I must say 2006 has been the most fulfilling year for me and I wouldn't have such a great year if not for SCS. if you asked me what is the best decision I made in 06, that has to be to attend Jan SCS because that is where I start to understand myself and found my goals and direction in life and set off towards it. :)

And I wouldn't say it was a bed of roses. Along the way I stumbled, I fell, I lost focus, I was upset, I felt misunderstood, people around me didn't understand what I was doing and why I was so passionate about it, and at times I really felt like giving up cause that will be the easiest path to choose. And im glad all these happened because they give me a chance to stand up again and emerge stronger. Along the way I also made a bunch of very good friends, I became an arĂȘte- ian, I saw my own blind spot, I understood myself, I found myself and I broke through myself over and over again. Overall, it wasn't an easy path but it was certainly most enriching, most fulfilling and most satisfying.

And hereby, I would like to give a big thank you to all of you out there from the bottom of my heart, thanks for all your love, your support, your encouragement and for fighting side by side with me. Because without all of you, I would really have given up along the way. THANK YOU!!

As I have said above, I started 2006 with SCS and I ended it and started 2007 with POV. I cant think of any other better ways to end and start a year. and 365 days later, I know I will look back and tell myself, 2007 is the BEST year ever!! :D

So once again, hi there everyone!! I’m back with bigger dreams and aspirations. I’ll continue to dream, to change lives, continue to do more, and become more. And I know I wont be alone. :) See you at the top!!

~ taiwan trip post is coming soon, I promised.

~ Back to office today after a long break. Got 200+ of mails to clear. TGIF.

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