Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Celebrate SUCCESS!!

My mentor, Rich said that most asians have this problem. We don't celebrate success. We work very hard, and when we achieve our goal, we treat it as 理所当然, and we set a next goal and we cheong again. We don't celebrate our success, no matter big or small. And that is why over time, we tend to feel tired, burned out and drained out. Cause we just keep fighting, but they forget to celebrate.

Everyone needs encouragement and support to propel to greater heights. Just like ace, when he done something he is proud of, like when he first started learning how to walk, after every baby step he took, he will turn to us and clap his hand, initiating us to clap our hands and praise him for being such a clever baby. And with our encouragement, he will take the next baby step forward. If even babies like ace knows how to celebrate (by celebration here I don't mean it must be a grand party whereby one have to pop the champaign) each and every of his little achievements, what about adults like us? Have we forgotten how to do so?

celebrate success with RED!!

2 weeks ago, I celebrated my own small success. :) though the event wasn't as grand as the usual RR, and its just a small achievement on my part, but im happy because all my loved ones, the people who matters most are with there to share the joy with me. And they are all that matters. :)

the ones who matters most... :)

my comrades...

And after the event, where else do we go for celebration?? SUCCESS VEGETARIAN, with daddy, mummy, ah mah, sis, max, ace and net, of course!! There’s a reason why we love this eatarie sooooo much, other than the very yummy fried golden mushrooms that they served.

daddy & mummy... first time i see them take photo so intimate... heh...

Have yet to get myself the reward that I have promised myself, a pretty wallet. Have already set my eyes on one. When I got the time, I shall go make it my poccession. :) now on the way to achieve my next goal. And then I can get a laptop for myself, then a MAN (yes, if I hit that, its about time I get a man officially... Haha)!! Yay!!

And that is one BIG motivation. So... Onward we go!!!

congrats joven, liming and me!!

And remember to always celebrate your achievements, no matter big or small, ok?? If you need someone to celebrate with you, just let me know!! I’ll be more than happy to do so!!(provided there’s good food and drinks!!)


Evil-Lin said...


mi is proud of u.. and truly truly.. *maucks*

Anonymous said...

thanks!! muacks!!