Wednesday, August 02, 2006

how to find your ideal partner?

The answer is finally out!! All the while we were guessing who in our group will be the first to get hitched and now we have an answer!! My dearest QQ is going ROM this Nov. woohoo. Happy for her. :)

Since we are on the topic of marriage and partners, let me share with you what I have learnt over the weekend. During SPS last weekend, someone asked Dr George how to find an ideal partner. So I shall share this with all of you now (for those single and available ones). :)

1. List down all the characteristics you want to find in your ideal partner.
list down as many as possible and be as specific as possible because 目标明确, 结果自然来.

2. After listing down all the characteristics you want in an ideal partner, now list down what type of person (what qualities and characteristics does the person need to have) do you think your “ideal partner” stated above will be attracted to.

3. look at the 2nd list you have written. Are you this person yet? If no, then what can you do to become such a person? Because today, we will attract who we are. We attract people of the same magnetic force as us.

A lot of people keep wondering why they keep attracting the same type of guys/gals. This is why. Because they are the same too!! Likes attract!! So... Have you written down what traits your ideal partner should possess? And then are you already the person that will attract such a person? Here’s some food for thought... ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha I nua .. no wonder Dex also nua :(