Wednesday, April 11, 2007

commitment to abundance...

Yesterday Yanni jie shared with us what is commitment. What do we mean when we say we make a commitment. A commitment is like a mother and her child.

When the child scolds the mother, she will still love the child.
When the child pushes the mother away, she will still love the child.
When the child kicks the mother, she will still love the child.

This is commitment. Commitment is unconditional.

It made me think: a lot of times, we always say we are committed, or we want to make a commitment. But are we really committed?? Are we paying lip service only??

This morning, I made a commitment. A commitment to climb the mountain of wealth, abundance, happiness, prosperity, health and peace. And I know it will be so much easier to climb this mountain cos now we have an angel has ascended and gave us her hand to pull us up the mountain. :)

My journey towards the abundance mountain has began. I commit myself to my business, I commit myself to climb the abundance mountain with max, sis and net. :)


Yesterday Yanni jie also touched on POV. She said with every POV we attend, we should only go higher and higher, and not bounce up and then get back to square one. She has now imposed a rule on herself that if she is to 批判 anybody, she will fine herself $10 because whatever we批判 about others, it is actually a part of us, and the money will be donated to the world vision fund.

This leads me to think about myself. Am I getting on a higher plane after each POV? I can truly say that with every POV, I am more at ease with myself and my relationship with the people around me, with mummy, daddy, sis, max, net and even ace has improved. Net says that he felt more and more love with every POV that I attend. :)

But back to the part about批判别人. This I think I still need to improve and I need to make a conscious effort to do so. I admit that I am not saint and there are still a lot of things/people that I 看不顺眼. And this morning, when that bey song feeling arises in me again, my conscious mind shouted at me: 投射 (something that I have conveniently forgotten)!! And I realised OMG, so that is a part of myself that I do not like. So actually there is a part of me that is like that!!

And all the while when I was bitching about other people, I was actually bitching about myself!! And if you think about it seriously, its a scary thought. :s

So I commit myself not to 批判 others, not even in my heart. And should I do so, I shall do my part for the less fortunate kids in africa too. So peeps, if you catch me criticising others, please do give me a gentle pat on my back to remind me.

Thanks in advance!!


I got short listed for a 2nd interview. The person asked me if I can make it for the 2nd interview tomorrow morning. I told her that I have to work and I do not wish to waste my leave its impossible for me to apply leave at the moment so I can only make it on weekdays evening or weekends morning. She told me she will get back to me and we scheduled it to be on 6.30 this fri. their office knocks off at 5.45 and they are willing to stay till 6.30 to wait for me. Seems like I stand quite a high chance right?? ;)

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