Wednesday, April 25, 2007


i ate so much yesterday i have to force myself to gym today... i had:

dumpling ramen
toasted bread and curry
gelere waffles and 2 scoops of ice cream
walnut paste


wahaha. anybody who wishes to expand your stomach capacity should join me for meals. i guarantee your food intake will increase within 3 months. yes, i have LIVE tried and tested successful genie pig testimonials. i planned to sweat it out in the gym for 2 hrs straight later.


my colleague from PRC came to singapore for work visit. and guessed which hotel he was putting up with initially??


my PRC colleague was complaining that he cannot sleep at night as it was too noisy and he also complained that there were alot of people going in and out of the hotel.

my manager came to office on monday and insisted that they change a better hotel for him, citing how can they put him up in such a hotel.

i overheard the conversation but didnt know which lousy hotel they were refering to until my supplier who played tour guide to my PRC colluague called to ask me to guess the hotel... i know it must be some super duper lok kok hotel but didnt manage to guess correctly.

they put him up at ...
HOTEL 81!!

that explains the "noisiness" and sleepness nights. wahaha.

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