Friday, September 29, 2006

memory down

My memory is getting bad lately. Yesterday I actually forgotten there was an AC session. When ZY called me to ask me if I was going for the training, I was like: what training?? I cant imagine I actually forgotten all about my AC training!! I ought to be shot.

Yesterday when I got home I realised I have forgotten to pay my card bills. Shite. Im gonna call the customer service and get them to waiver my late charge.

Was supposed to meet R after work yesterday because he wanted to introduce his friend, who is interested to know how to lose weight quickly and healthily to me. And I clean forgotten about that too.

I really cant believe I can actually forget such important things. Maybe R was right. He said: I think your head got too heated up while you were perming your hair. The heat probably killed some of your brain cells. :s

Anyway, will be helping my friend to host some mooncake festival event over the weekend, which will leave me $500 – 600 richer. I wont say its good money, neither would I say its easy money. There are easier ways to earn $$ in my context but I think it is good experience, good exposure and a good chance to know new friends. :)

Seriously I dunno why he will ask me for help since the only time he saw me hosting an event was more than a decade ago, when I was the host for our school concerts. Either I did a damn good job back then that he was deeply impressed and left a damn deep impression in his head, or he is really desperate for talents. :p Anyway I have someone who used to be a host to teach me the ropes. So im very confident I can do a good job. How difficult can it be right? Play some games, talk abit of cock (which is what I am best at) Plus I have training as an amcee and translator as an AC and AI. And plus plus points, I have a loveable, likeable and 人见人爱 face. :) muahahahaha (u may puke If you have eaten)

Was chatting to a friend yesterday about having kids. My view: kids are only fun to play with, but to take care of them is another different story.

friend: how many kids do you want?
me: zero. I have a nephew to play with. Its enough.
me: the only reason that will entice me to have kids is firstly, im curious how my kid will look like... And 2ndly...
fren: wat??
me: good genes should not go to waste. It will be too wasted if my good features are not passed on.
fren: **knocks head on wall** u really jia lat man...

Hahaha :p


Boss Stewie said...

i think having kids is not as simple as having fun playing with them...

my sister-in-law gave birth to a baby girl a couple of months ago and when i saw held her in my hands and looked at her i could understand how that little creature we call a baby can make anyone feel that everything else in life doesn't matter anymore... except her.

and that was just my niece i was holding.. not even my own child... i think we'll all feel differently one day when we all have our own kids..

Clatzz said...

stewie >> i totally agree that having kids is not as simple as having fun playing with them...

the feeling is the same wen i first saw my nephew... and i love my nephew to the bits... which is y i think that having my nephew is enuff... :)