Friday, November 03, 2006

everything should be so easy

Went to lao di fang (near shaw towers) yesterday. Their 红烧牛肉面 is simply da best!! And their chicken cutlet, really taste like chicken sial!! Even R who is non vegetarian, says that it tastes like real chicken. Yummy yummy!! Wanted to try more dishes initially but because there were only the 2 of us, so there are limited dishes we can eat. The boss actually stopped us from ordering cause he says we ordered too much. :p

I’ll definitely be going there again to try the rest of their dishes like the crispy toufu, salad bun and their mushroom herbal soup. **drooling**


Remember the other time my office IT guy caught me msn-ing? Well, I have already build strong strong allied with him le and what is the advantages of building allied with your IT personnel??


I got to use wireless mouse and keyboard!! So now I can sit cross legged in my chair, place the keyboard on my lap and work or I can sit at the far end of my table, relac one corner and type. Woohoo...


I think I can finally take a breather next week. Thinking of going to catch the movie, The Departed. But I heard that its like not screening anymore. :(

Am thinking of catching the movie alone. Then this would be the first time I watched a movie alone. Till now, I have shopped alone, dined alone and im fine without company. But watching movie alone is something I have not tried before. Hmmmm, might be a good experience. ;)


Lately, I have been repeating to myself countless times : 凡是发生必有其目的, 其结果必有利于我!! And I come to realise that yes, this phrase is so so true. Everything happens for a reason and the reason will definitely benefit me!! Yay!!


Life should be this way... Life should be so free... Everything is so easy... :)

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